Doctors Medical Center


Restoring Movement and Wellness

Our Physiotherapy Department is dedicated to enhancing mobility, promoting recovery, and improving the overall quality of life for individuals facing physical challenges. Staffed by skilled and empathetic physiotherapists, this department employs a holistic approach to address a wide range of musculoskeletal, neurological, and cardiovascular conditions.

Physiotherapy plays a pivotal role in restoring movement and function to individuals of all ages. Whether recovering from an injury, surgery, or managing a chronic condition, our experienced physiotherapists create tailored treatment plans to meet each patient’s unique needs. Through a combination of manual techniques, therapeutic exercises, and advanced modalities, they strive to alleviate pain, improve flexibility, and enhance strength. Beyond rehabilitation, our department also focuses on preventive care. Through ergonomic education, posture correction, and personalized exercise regimens, we empower individuals to maintain their physical well-being and prevent potential injuries.

Facilities & Services:

Our Specialist

Ms. Kahkashan Parveen








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